Sunday, December 2, 2012

Moodle Email issue and Time syn issue

Recently I came a cross following issues in one of Moodle instance : - Forget password was not working - Forum posts are not going to learners emails - Though I open a Quiz at a particular time, it was not working as expected. For example, if I set a Quiz to be open at 14:00, it was not opening at 14:00. I could solve the first two problems in following way : 1. A email out going server need to be set. You can set through : Site Administration->Plugin->Message outs->Email. If you are running a mail instance in your Moodle server, then you do not need to set this. Otherwise, set SMTP host- Here you need to enter the out going email server. 2. Setup a cron (this is what I missed). Emails in Moodle have to triggered. Otherwise it would not work. Therefore you need to set up cron. You can find a detail description over here : For the second problem, go to Site administration->Location->Location setting. In my case, moodle instance was not getting the timezone setting from Linux OS. Therefore, here I had to manually set the timezone. Good luck

Monday, June 4, 2012

Web Hosting

I was trying get a hosting plan from a very famous hosting provider. I am trying to sign-up, but my go was not successful. And I was asked to communicate with a live chat. Then livechat guy got all the details from me, including the credit card, and registered the hosting plan. I was not very sure whether I can share my card information over chat. However since the chat was protected by I just proceeded. It got the impression that its a preplanned setup. I think hosting provider does not have a proper system. Will check the credit card statement tomorrow!.. have anyone come a cross similar issue?