Saturday, December 29, 2007

GOD :-)

In my point of view, god is there. But god is not Siva / Jesus / Alla / Buddha...
- God is engery... Engery can take any form. Thats why we do say God is everywhere.
- According to the accepted Big Bang theory, the Universe is came from an Energy Ball. Thats why we tell, god created the Universe...
Like wise I think we can reasonout everything...

So god means energy...

I think the purpose of the religen and purpose of fate are same. Both help human to relief from stress and worries... Thats all...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kind of agreeable!
God is energy and energy is God.

Beliefs are for relieves ..Yes but then there is a slight religious conflict here. Not all the religions say the same! Well, some overlap each other with regard to particular aspects but not all.
And the energy is named different ways -Shiva/Allah/Jesus etc. and if energy exists, then so does the god! (……in my opinion).